Welcome to my carrd !! β˜…

About me:



shey πŸ₯ž pancake !! β˜…

you can call me either Shey or Pancake, whatever it's fine! β˜…irl name is Ivan !!
⚠ my irl name is for close friends ONLY!

chilean ESP / ENG β˜… spanish and english (still learning btw)



Made this Kinito-shimeji!V1: PC, ANDROID.
V2: PC.

Current original personal project:'Human' harmony in Monster's mania

pronouns !! β˜… he/him - el
autistic transmale πŸ’₯ (i'm the silly :3)
bday: 14 - 09
artist & animator | comic, fanfic and character maker! 🎨
✨ Creator of a FNAF AU called:
"Springtrap & Aurora redemption" !!

FNF modder β˜… owner of "Funkin with Shyrell" mod & "FNF cupcake blight" mod

Horrorbrew creator β˜… currently owner/co-owner of:The corrupted star kingdom.exe
Donkey Kong 81' (co-owning)
Donkey Kong's starving agony.


CCS (comfort characters):

my sonas/fanon ocs:



BYF β€Ή3

INFO about me!

that you need to know before you follow.


β˜… I'm an artist who can take a drawing in less than a day and suddenly take weeks (or even MONTHS) to finish it, only inspiration or motivation can drive me to draw faster.β˜… I'm always late on specific/special dates, and VERY slow for everything. Its very frustrating, so don't bother reminding me of certain dates, just don't pressure me! It's the only thing I ask when doing it.β˜… I simp hard for many characters (and I'm proud of it/j) but only some are comfort characters, so don't get surprised if I go "BARK BARK WOOF GRRR RWARRR" for any character.β˜… I tend to change the fandoms I'm in through time, because of something called ✨Hyperfixation✨, sometimes some last longer than others, so yes, I'm multifandom! (and partly semi-multishipper) so you can expect all kinds of art.Anyways these are my current fandoms!
β˜… Sometimes I like/fav/make suggestive art so a little warning there! βš β˜… I do lots of self-indulgent art (self-ships) so I have plenty of self-inserts (plus OCS of my fandoms) and many sonas as well, I like non-canon and CANON ships too!β˜… I ADORE THE COLOR OF PURPLE !! πŸ’œ, and their variants as violet, lavender, purpure, dark purple and lilac, etc. if you don't like this color or their variants at all I hate you get tf out of my acc i'm literally the CEO of purple smh /j.β˜… I love to decorate aesthetically everything! makes it pleasant to watch and enjoy in my opinion, so you are gonna see a lot of aesthetic stuff from me :pβ˜… I really hate lies/hypocrisy, It doesn't matter if it's a light lie, I prefer you to be frankly honest /srs.β˜… I'm hypersensitive, so please, be careful with what you say/your tone. it's easier if you also try to use tone indicators! I use tone indicators a lot myself since I'm autistic, so it's easier for me to express and understand myself (and make others understand me aswell).I have a hard time taking jokes/sarcastic quotes with humor most of the time, mainly because It's hard for me to get it, and for what I've explained, if I have a hard time trying to figure it out, I usually show myself very bitter or sensitive, so if you really see me laughing or following the joke, take it easy and don't overdo it with me.


Important stuff β˜…

Read all of this carefully

❌ DNI / DFI✘ You are Lgbt+phobic, racist, xenophobic, you are map/pedophile or support any of this.✘ You don't respect pronouns/neopronouns.✘ You don't respect TW/CW's and don't tag any of them (if) posting it in your account while being mutuals.✘ You don't credit artists when reposting AND don't ask for permission to do it, or you simply don't respect the artist's wish when they asks to not repost (this also applies to my art, I'm warning you).✘ You don't respect the drawings of the fandoms/ships/characters I like, without even being problematic (and you just complain about why you don't like it instead of ignoring it).✘ You dislike/hate self-indulgent or self-insert art (Its a huge part of myself so yeah, better you have that clear).✘ You will only follow me for a specific fandom, 'cuz dude im multifandom, and I have my own Oc's, don't expect me doing only one thing on my account forever.✘ You are from the "Springtrap & Deliah" fandom. (no need to explain)

πŸ“Œ TW / CW✘ GIANT MOTHS and spiders.✘ Incest, pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia, you know, shit stuff (anything of this EWW)✘ Crack ships
I don't like them that much? just sometimes so there are exceptions (I don't mind the jokes one at all)
✘ The loud/extremely saturated noises (this also counts music).✘ Lemon from FunkinHS (I don't feel so comfortable with his design sm)✘ BLOOD / GORE IRL (I have hematophobia, its real serious.) I can handle fake blood/gore art but not that much if too graphic.✘ NSFW without ask.✘ Spammy messages/comments, seriously, don't do this (I don't mind my close ones, but if messages, mostly only for emergencies)✘ The "dark/edgy humor", when it cross the limits.✘ English/non english people using "Latinx" please, just, no.✘ Abusive/Toxic shipping,
If it's exaggerated I feel uncomfortable with it, just a personal nitpick.
✘ Characters called with my deadname, for personal reasons they make me uncomfortable, so just use a nickname instead.

Nsfw alt account? πŸ”ž

I do have a nsfw alt acc, but I'll not share it openly, either DM me (you have to be +18) or search it yourself at your own risk, but if you are a minor and I notice it, you'll get blocked.

DM's β˜…

Things that you need to know
before talking to me / send me a DM by any social media.


The only social network where I usually respond faster to messages is on discord! (No exceptions, Im not gonna respond quick on instagram, twitter, tumblr etc.)Do you want to add me and chat with me a bit? go ahead!shey_pancake(I should clarify that I will not always respond to the messages, but I do my best, sometimes I update my status saying how I feel in the day, JUST SOMETIMES, not always)I'm quite forgetful, I can't assure you that I can remember things exactly, I want to emphasize it because the majority complain about this.

I can be a little shy at first if i'm talking to you for the first time, but after a while I get over it.Being mutuals doesn't mean that we are friends, let's have this clear! (I like many of them and I have no problem with any interactions)Plus, don't trust too fast with me, I don't work out like that and it makes me uncomfortable, it's only gonna make me to get away from you.And respect my personal space! if you see that I'm busy try not to spam me many messages if you are not close to me/it's not an emergency, that bothers me a lot!!

Current status:



My socials to contact me via DM !!

My sona/fanon sonas-ocs β˜…

Even my sonas are also OC'S by their own, it means they can (or not) also be separated characters!


Main sona

SONAS (based from me, also ocs) from fandoms

OCS (not self inserts) from fandoms

Merely ocs, I rarely can use these to represent myself??? at certain extent, but 99% most of the time are their own character.


If you want to make me a fanart, you are free to do it!
just make sure to tag or mention me in the post/tweet/message etc so I can see it, ty in advance πŸ’œ

My close ones β˜… (friends, etc)

🟑 Most close!

Cowi, Zeney, [D], Leidy, Ian, Chess, Gabo, Mau, Kido, Mozaico, Flamemind, Genox, Samy/Sun, Koal, Dani, Jeff, Kenji, Gabe(Xav), Joako, Thomas, Lu, La wea astral, Fany, Fando, Mew, Sulayre, Beezy.